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Conceived to represent a reference point  in the diverse scenario of technical services offered across the Food Chain in the APEC Region, QualiFood Asia comes into life to help Asian Food Industry to overcome traditional  approaches and move to higher quality and safety standards needed to compete within a global scale. In order to achieve such result, it is first necessary to enhance the level of technical skills and expertise available within the industry.

Consultants play a significant role in this development process since local companies prefer to outsource technical expertise to support llimited in-house resources and fully rely on the advice received. However the service offered is often fragmented, proximate, ultimately inadequate for the specific needs of the organization. It is easy to understand how may be challenging  for an individual professional to have the well rounded expertise needed to assist accompany dealing with specific products in all its technical needs , from compliance to R&D, as well as diverse standards and requirements from different markets.

QualiFood Asia origins from the need to overcome individualism and consolidate the wide range of technical skills needed by organizations across the food chain in a single, fully-comprehensive service. We are an ambitious, fast-growing reality based on a simple but different concept: we do not compete with other food professionals, instead we work with them to deliver better solutions for the Asian Food Industry. Because we truly believe that only by working together we will grow stronger.

Our Company


QualiFood Asia is an ambitious project initiated by Cristian Pillon, a passionate food professional driven by the ambition to make the difference in the Industry. Cristian attended Udine University gaining a BSc Hons degree in Food Agricultural Sciences and Technologies. After practicing few years as Agronomist in  Italy, he moved to the UK where he eventually achieved a MSc in Food Safety and Control at London South Bank University before starting to work in food manufacturing and distribution. To date, Cristian has matured several years of experience  in the Industry, working across Europe and Asia and assisting suppliers in achieving international certifications and retailers approvals on a global scale. Having achieved  either GFSI (BRC, FSC22000) and retailers (Tesco, M&S) lead auditor qualifications, Cristian is now based in Hong Kong, assisting organizations operating in Manufacturing & Distribution as well as Hospitality & Food Service. His wide network of professionals includes members of the UK Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST) of which is active member and QA and Technical Managers across Europe and North America.

With a wide network of reliable professionals working with us on specific assignments basis, we are always able to provide exactly the expertise and service needed to fulfill your organization's objectives by outsourcing  specific skills when necessary. We follow a simple, 4 steps working process nicknamed ASIA:


1. Analysis: we discuss together your project in order to clearly define objectives and timelines;

2. Selection: we select the best pool of experts for delivering your project and we task them with specific assignments and deadlines;

4. Approval: we review with you the work done to make sure it is up to initial expectations. Submission can only happen with your approval.

We can offer a flexible approach for any size of business either working on or off site or using a mixture of both. We specifically tailor the work for your business giving a personal service and continuing our advice once the work has finished.

3. Implementation: we coordinate, review and consolidate individual parts in order to deliver an overall consistent work;


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